Estructure of the CBK

The CBK has the following organization chart:

  • Scientific Management: Dr. Francesc Palau.

  • Assistant Management: Dr. José Mª Millán.

  • Coordination: Dr. Carmen Aguado.

  • Laboratory Management: Dr. Salvador Martí.

  • Ethics Committee. This committee has the task of guaranteeing compliance with the ethical principles applicable to biomedical research projects incorporating human samples of the CBK, as well as the use made of these. CBK is attached to the CSISP Ethics Committee.

  • Scientific Committee. This body has the aim of advising the CBK on its management and scientific objectives as well as developing its operating standards. It also approves any transfer of samples to third parties and advises on the priorities in assigning samples. The CBK is attached to the Scientific Committee of the Valencian Biobanking Network (RVB).